HW 04 - Style, Debugging and Functions

Getting started

RStudio tips and tricks

  1. Go to the RStudio Tips twitter account, https://twitter.com/rstudiotips, and find one tip that looks interesting and helpful for our class. Practice using it! Then post the tip and a couple sentences describing why you like it or how you used it in our D2L Discussion “R/RStudio Tips & Tricks” topic.

RStudio addins

Other options for automated styling in RStudio include the built-in Code > Reformat Code option, or the formatR package.

We spent the better part of a class period describing the features of R style guidelines, but anything with rules (like style guidelines) can easily be automated. And since RStudio is created by programmers, there are tools within RStudio to help us adhere to a particular style. One option for automated styling is the styler addin.

Read the following two pages about RStudio addins and the styler add-in:

Install the styler addin, and then complete the following exercises.

Consider the following code:

data(iris) #read in the data set
r = cor(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width);r
iris%>%group_by(Species) %>% summarize(r.sepal=cor(Sepal.Length,Sepal.Width), r.petal=cor(Petal.Length,Petal.Width),mean.sepal=mean(Sepal.Length),mean.petal=mean(Petal.Length)) #correlation by species
  geom_point()+theme_minimal()+ggtitle(`Sepal Width vs Height by Species`)
#here is some basic math
#and a function
triangle_area=function ( b,h ){#calculate area of a triangle with base b and height h
  1. Copy and paste the code above into an R chunk in your hw-04.Rmd file. Select the code and run styler addin on the selection.

  2. Create a bulleted list describing which features in the code changed and how they were styled, e.g.,

  1. Are there any tidyverse style guidelines that the styler addin missed? If so, what?

Debugging Part I

  1. The goal of this code is to create a figure of age by passenger class among passengers that were on the Titanic. There are a few bugs in the code; identify and fix them. List all the things that you changed.
titanic == read_csv("http://math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/stat408/datasets/titanic.csv")

  %>% filter(!is.na(Age)) %>% # removed passengers without age
  mutate(Pclass = factor(Pclass)) %>% # changed class to factor
  ggplot(y = Age, x = Pclass)) %>%
  geom_boxplot(outlier.shape = NA) +
  geom_jitter(color = Sex) +
  theme_bw() + 
  xlab(Passenger Class) +
  ggtitle('Passenger age by class and gender on Titanic')

Writing functions

There is a classic probability problem called “the hat problem”:

Suppose \(n\) people go to a fancy restaurant. Each person is wearing a hat and checks his/her hat at the door as he/she arrives. The hat-check attendant gets tipsy throughout the evening, and returns a random hat to each person as they leave. The patrons leave in a random order. What is the probability that no one gets his or her own hat back?

The goal of this part of the homework is to write a function that will take an argument \(n\) and return the estimated probability that no one gets their own hat back.

In order to estimate this probability, we need to simulate the random process many times, and then calculate the proportion of times no one got their hat back.

The code below will simulate one trial of the hat process for \(n = 20\) and return the number of people who got their hat back.

hats <- sample(1:20, 20, replace = FALSE)
heads <- sample(1:20, 20, replace = FALSE)
sum(hats == heads)

Try running the code and make sure you understand each line of the code before proceeding.

  1. Fill in the for loop below to simulate the hat process 1000 times for \(n = 20\), storing the number of matches from each iteration in the object n_matches.
n_matches <- vector("integer", 1000)
for(i in seq_along(n_matches)) {
  # add code here to simulate hat process
  # store the result from each iteration
  # in n_matches

Hint: The code n_matches == 0 will generate a logical vector. Since logical vectors are treated as 0’s (FALSE) and 1’s (TRUE), mean(n_matches == 0) will return the proportion of TRUEs in the vector.

  1. Use the n_matches object created in the last exercise to estimate the probability of zero hat matches when \(n = 20\).

  2. Now, create a function called FindHatProbability that takes arguments n (number of hats) and reps (number of times to simulate the process), and returns an estimated probability of zero hat matches. Set the default value for reps to 10000.

It can be shown that the limit of this probability as \(n\) goes to infinity is \(1/e\)!

  1. Use your function for the previous exercise to estimate the probability of zero matches for \(n = 5, 10, 20, 50\). How does this probability change as \(n\) increases?

Debugging Part II

For a short video of the Monty Hall problem see from 21 with Kevin Spacey or from numb3rs tv show.

Another fun probability problem is the “Monty Hall problem”. Deriving the probabilities in the hat problem or the Monty Hall problem requires some advanced probability knowledge, but estimating the probabilities through simulation takes only a bit of coding!

  1. Debug the following function, by rewriting the function below and demonstrating that the function calls specified below return the correct answer.
MontyHallMonteCarlo <- function(num.sims, print){
  # Function to simulate Monty Hall winning probability when switching doors
  # ARGS: number of simulations (as integer or double), print command
  #       that accepts TRUE or FALSE as to whether to print simulation results
  # Returns: list containing winning probability and (if print = TRUE)
  #          vector of results with strings "Win" or "Lose" for each simulation
  if (!num.spins %% 1 == 0) stop('Please enter an integer or double')
  results <- rep(FALSE,num.sims)
  for (i in 1:num.sims){
    # randomly choose door with car
    car.door <- sample(3,1)
    # randomly choose door for participant to select
    select.door <- sample(1,3)
    # you win when switching if the door with a car is not the
    # one you initally selected
    if (car.door = select.door) {
      results <- FALSE
  win.prob <- mean(results)
  ifelse(print, return(list(win.prob,results)),return(list(win.prob))


Cite sources

Write the sources you used to complete this assignment at the end of your .Rmd document, adhering to the “Guidance on Citing Sources” bullet points in the collaboration policy section on our course syllabus.