Lab 03 Prep

In January 2017, Buzzfeed published an article on why Nobel laureates show immigration is so important for American science. You can read the article here. In the article they show that while most living Nobel laureates in the sciences are based in the US, many of them were born in other countries. This is one reason why scientific leaders say that immigration is vital for progress. In this lab we will work with the data from this article to recreate some of their visualizations as well as explore new questions.

Learning goals

Lab prep

You have three tasks you should complete before the lab:

Merges and merge conflicts

This is the first week you’re working in teams, which means all of you make changes and push those changes to your team repository. Sometimes things will go swimmingly, and sometimes you’ll run into merge conflicts. So our first task today is to walk you through a merge conflict!

Git will put conflict markers in your code that look like:

<<<<<<< HEAD 

See also: [dplyr documentation](   


See also [ggplot2 documentation](  

>>>>>>> some1alpha2numeric3string4

The ===s separate your changes (top) from their changes (bottom).

Note that on top you see the word HEAD, which indicates that these are your changes.

And at the bottom you see some1alpha2numeric3string4 (well, it probably looks more like 28e7b2ceb39972085a0860892062810fb812a08f).

This is the hash (a unique identifier) of the commit your collaborator made with the conflicting change.

Your job is to reconcile the changes: edit the file so that it incorporates the best of both versions and delete the <<<, ===, and >>> lines. Then you can stage and commit the result.

Yay! You’re now ready to start Lab 03!