This dataset contains information on vehicles towed in Baltimore, MD:
The full version of the dataset contains 61,000 rows and 36 columns, where each row corresponds to a vehicle and the columns are information pertaining to the vehicle.
We will be working with a smaller dataset with approximately 30,000 rows and 5 columns.
First read in the data set which is available at: http://www.math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/stat408/datasets/BaltimoreTowing.csv.
baltimore_tow <- read_csv('http://www.math.montana.edu/ahoegh/teaching/stat408/datasets/BaltimoreTowing.csv') str(baltimore_tow)
## spec_tbl_df [30,263 × 5] (S3: spec_tbl_df/tbl_df/tbl/data.frame) ## $ vehicleType : chr [1:30263] "Van" "Car" "Car" "Car" ... ## $ vehicleMake : chr [1:30263] "LEXUS" "Mercedes" "Chysler" "Chevrolet" ... ## $ vehicleModel : chr [1:30263] NA NA "Cirrus" "Cavalier" ... ## $ receivingDateTime: chr [1:30263] "10/24/2010 12:41:00 PM" "04/28/2015 09:27:00 AM" "07/23/2015 07:55:00 AM" "10/23/2010 11:35:00 AM" ... ## $ totalPaid : chr [1:30263] "$322.00" "$130.00" "$280.00" "$1057.00" ... ## - attr(*, "spec")= ## .. cols( ## .. vehicleType = col_character(), ## .. vehicleMake = col_character(), ## .. vehicleModel = col_character(), ## .. receivingDateTime = col_character(), ## .. totalPaid = col_character() ## .. ) ## - attr(*, "problems")=<externalptr>
vehicleType | vehicleMake | vehicleModel | receivingDateTime | totalPaid |
Van | LEXUS | NA | 10/24/2010 12:41:00 PM | $322.00 |
Car | Mercedes | NA | 04/28/2015 09:27:00 AM | $130.00 |
Car | Chysler | Cirrus | 07/23/2015 07:55:00 AM | $280.00 |
Car | Chevrolet | Cavalier | 10/23/2010 11:35:00 AM | $1057.00 |
Car | Hyundai | Tiburon | 10/25/2010 02:49:00 PM | $469.00 |
SUV | Toyota | RAV4 | 10/25/2010 11:12:00 AM | $305.00 |
Car | Bmw | 325 | 10/23/2012 07:50:00 PM | $220.00 |
Car | Honda | Accord | 10/25/2010 02:53:00 PM | $327.00 |
Now compute the average towing cost grouped by month.
Now compute the average towing cost grouped by month.
baltimore_tow %>% group_by(month) %>% summarize(mean.cost = mean(totalPaid))
Now compute the average towing cost grouped by month.
vehicleType | vehicleMake | vehicleModel | receivingDateTime | totalPaid |
Van | LEXUS | NA | 10/24/2010 12:41:00 PM | $322.00 |
Car | Mercedes | NA | 04/28/2015 09:27:00 AM | $130.00 |
Car | Chysler | Cirrus | 07/23/2015 07:55:00 AM | $280.00 |
Car | Chevrolet | Cavalier | 10/23/2010 11:35:00 AM | $1057.00 |
functionConsider adding a column for year to the data set. This can be done using substr().
Usage: substr(x, start, stop)
functionUse the substr()
function to extract month and create a new variable in R.
functionUse the substr()
function to extract month and create a new variable in R.
baltimore_tow$month <- substr(baltimore_tow$receivingDateTime, 0, 2) head(baltimore_tow$month)
## [1] "10" "04" "07" "10" "10" "10"
Now compute the average towing cost grouped by month.
baltimore_tow %>% group_by(month) %>% summarize(mean.cost = mean(totalPaid))
## # A tibble: 12 × 2 ## month mean.cost ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 01 NA ## 2 02 NA ## 3 03 NA ## 4 04 NA ## 5 05 NA ## 6 06 NA ## 7 07 NA ## 8 08 NA ## 9 09 NA ## 10 10 NA ## 11 11 NA ## 12 12 NA
functionIn many situations, the year could be in a different position so the substr()
might not work. For example month the date could be coded 4/1/2015
rather than 04/01/2015
So consider, using strsplit()
Usage: strsplit(x, split)
functionUse the strsplit()
function to remove the dollar sign from the cost.
functionUse the strsplit()
function to remove the dollar sign from the cost.
## example for one row strsplit(baltimore_tow$totalPaid[1],'$', fixed = T)[[1]][2]
## [1] "322.00"
The base data structures in R can be organized by dimensionality and whether they are homogenous.
Dimension | Homogeneous | Heterogeneous |
1d | Vector | List |
2d | Matrix | Data Frame |
no d | Array |
Consider the two lists
msu.info <- list( name = c('Waded Cruzado', 'Stacey Hancock'), degree.from = c('University of Texas at Arlington', 'Colorado State University'), job.title = c('President', 'Associate Professor of Statistics')) msu.info2 <- list( c('Waded Cruzado', 'University of Texas at Arlington', 'President'), c('Stacey Hancock', 'Colorado State University', 'Associate Professor of Statistics'))
## $name ## [1] "Waded Cruzado" "Stacey Hancock" ## ## $degree.from ## [1] "University of Texas at Arlington" "Colorado State University" ## ## $job.title ## [1] "President" "Associate Professor of Statistics"
## [[1]] ## [1] "Waded Cruzado" "University of Texas at Arlington" ## [3] "President" ## ## [[2]] ## [1] "Stacey Hancock" "Colorado State University" ## [3] "Associate Professor of Statistics"
With the current lists we can index elements using the double bracket [[ ]]
notation or if names have been initialized, those can be used too.
So the first element of each list can be indexed
## [1] "Waded Cruzado" "Stacey Hancock"
## [1] "Waded Cruzado" "Stacey Hancock"
Explore the indexing with these commands.
msu.info[1] msu.info[[1]] msu.info$name[2] msu.info[1:2] unlist(msu.info)
“If list
is a train carrying objects, thenx[[5]]
is the object in car 5;x[4:6]
is a train of cars 4-6.”
— @RLangTip
list(c("Jan","Feb","Mar"), matrix(c(3,9,5,1,-2,8), nrow = 2), list("green", 12.3) )
## [[1]] ## [1] "Jan" "Feb" "Mar" ## ## [[2]] ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 3 5 -2 ## [2,] 9 1 8 ## ## [[3]] ## [[3]][[1]] ## [1] "green" ## ## [[3]][[2]] ## [1] 12.3
function (revisited)Use the strsplit()
function to remove the dollar sign from the cost.
strsplit(baltimore_tow$totalPaid[1:2], '$', fixed = T)[[1]][2]
## [1] "322.00"
lubridate is a tidyverse package for manipulating date objects. There is a nice website with a cheatsheet.
library(lubridate) # loads with tidyverse class(baltimore_tow$receivingDateTime)
## [1] "character"
baltimore_tow <- baltimore_tow %>% mutate(date_time = mdy_hms(receivingDateTime)) class(baltimore_tow$date_time)
## [1] "POSIXct" "POSIXt"
## [1] 10 4 7 10 10 10
## [1] 2010 2015 2015 2010 2010 2010
The stringr
package (cheat sheet) provides a nice set of tools. There is also an information page.
Use the stringr
package to remove (replace) the dollar sign. Note that a dollar sign is a special character, so you’ll need to use \\$
Use the stringr
package to remove (replace) the dollar sign
library(stringr) baltimore_tow$cost <- as.numeric(str_replace(baltimore_tow$totalPaid, '\\$',''))
Now compute the average towing cost grouped by month.
baltimore_tow %>% group_by(month) %>% summarize(mean.cost = mean(cost), .groups = 'keep')
## # A tibble: 12 × 2 ## # Groups: month [12] ## month mean.cost ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 01 353. ## 2 02 349. ## 3 03 363. ## 4 04 347. ## 5 05 357. ## 6 06 346. ## 7 07 350. ## 8 08 350. ## 9 09 359. ## 10 10 343. ## 11 11 342. ## 12 12 344.
Next we wish to compute how many vehicles were towed for each vehicle type.
However, we want to take a close look at the vehicle types in the data set and perhaps create more useful groups.
function – how to group vehiclesFirst examine the unique types of vehicles in this data set.
## [1] "Van" "Car" ## [3] "SUV" "Pick-up Truck" ## [5] "Motor Cycle (Street Bike)" "Dirt Bike" ## [7] "Commercial Truck" "Trailer" ## [9] "Station Wagon" "Truck" ## [11] "Taxi" "Pickup Truck" ## [13] "Convertible" "Tractor Trailer" ## [15] "Tow Truck" "All terrain - 4 wheel bike" ## [17] "Mini-Bike" "Golf Cart" ## [19] "Boat" "Tractor" ## [21] "Construction Equipment" "Sport Utility Vehicle"
First consider reasonable groups for vehicle types.
Next examine values in some of these groups, we will just look at the vehicle type of ‘Truck’.
unique(baltimore_tow$vehicleMake[baltimore_tow$vehicleType == 'Truck'])
## [1] "GMC" "Ford" "Dodge" "Freightliner" ## [5] "Chevrolet" "Izuzu" "Toyota" "Chevy" ## [9] "Peterbilt" "International" "Kenworth" "Nissan" ## [13] "Mercedes" "Isuzu" "Frightliner" "Mack" ## [17] "Sterling" "Internantional" "Peterbelt" "Pete" ## [21] "Hummer" "Hino"
Note that there are several spelling errors in this data set. How do we combine them?
Spelling errors can be addressed, by reassigning vehicles to the correct spelling.
baltimore_tow$vehicleMake[baltimore_tow$vehicleMake == 'Peterbelt'] <- 'Peterbilt' baltimore_tow$vehicleMake[baltimore_tow$vehicleMake == 'Internantional'] <- 'International' baltimore_tow$vehicleMake <- str_replace(baltimore_tow$vehicleMake,'Izuzu','Isuzu') baltimore_tow$vehicleMake <- str_replace(baltimore_tow$vehicleMake,'Frightliner','Freightliner')
Also note that many of the groupings have mis-classified vehicles, but we will not focus on that yet.
First we will delete golf carts, boats, and trailers. There are several ways to do this, consider making a new data frame called balt_tow_small
that does not include golf carts, boats, and trailers.
First we will delete golf carts, boats, and trailers.
balt_tow_small <- baltimore_tow %>% filter(!(vehicleType %in% c("Golf Cart", "Boat", "Trailer")))
Now we need to create a variable for the additional groups below.
One way to create groups is by creating a new variable
balt_tow_small$Group <- '' # Creates empty string for all rows in data set balt_tow_small$Group[balt_tow_small$vehicleType %in% c('Car','Convertible')] <- 'Cars' balt_tow_small$Group[balt_tow_small$vehicleType %in% c('SUV', 'Station Wagon','Sport Utility Vehicle','Van','Taxi')] <- 'Large Cars' balt_tow_small$Group[balt_tow_small$vehicleType %in% c('Pick-up Truck','Pickup Truck')] <- 'Trucks' balt_tow_small$Group[balt_tow_small$vehicleType %in% c('Truck','Tractor Trailer','Tow Truck','Tractor', 'Construction Equipment','Commercial Truck')] <- 'Large Trucks' balt_tow_small$Group[balt_tow_small$vehicleType %in% c('Motor Cycle (Street Bike)','Dirt Bike','Mini-Bike', 'All terrain - 4 wheel bike')] <- 'Bikes'
Next we wish to compute how many vehicles were towed for each vehicle type
balt_tow_small %>% count(Group)
## # A tibble: 5 × 2 ## Group n ## <chr> <int> ## 1 Bikes 383 ## 2 Cars 19675 ## 3 Large Cars 8575 ## 4 Large Trucks 211 ## 5 Trucks 1378
Factors are a specific way to store categorical data. Using factors results in a more efficient data storage process, but can be cumbersome.
Factors can be necessary for making plots and fitting models in R.
The forcats
package, website, is a tidyverse package designed for dealing with categorical factors.
favorite_day <- c('Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Tuesday', 'Saturday', 'Saturday') class(favorite_day)
## [1] "character"
day_factor <- as.factor(favorite_day) class(day_factor)
## [1] "factor"
## [1] Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday Sunday Tuesday ## Levels: Friday Saturday Sunday Tuesday
library(forcats) day_factor <- fct_relevel(day_factor, c('Sunday','Tuesday','Friday','Saturday')) sort(day_factor)
## [1] Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday Saturday Saturday ## Levels: Sunday Tuesday Friday Saturday
Rather than coercing a class variable to be a factor, the factor can be created directly.
day_factor2 <- factor(c('Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday', 'Monday'), levels = c('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday')) sort(day_factor2)
## [1] Sunday Monday Friday Saturday ## Levels: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Factors can also easily be collapsed with forcats
balt_tow_small %>% mutate(Group2 = fct_collapse(vehicleType, Cars = c('Car','Convertible'), Large_Cars = c('SUV', 'Station Wagon', 'Sport Utility Vehicle', 'Van','Taxi'), Trucks = c('Pick-up Truck','Pickup Truck'), Large_Trucks = c('Truck', 'Tractor Trailer', 'Tow Truck', 'Tractor', 'Construction Equipment', 'Commercial Truck'), Bikes = c('Motor Cycle (Street Bike)', 'Dirt Bike', 'Mini-Bike','All terrain - 4 wheel bike') ) ) %>% mutate(Group2 = fct_infreq(Group2)) %>% group_by(Group2) %>% summarize(ave_cost = mean(cost), .groups = 'drop')
## # A tibble: 5 × 2 ## Group2 ave_cost ## <fct> <dbl> ## 1 Cars 354. ## 2 Large_Cars 334. ## 3 Trucks 359. ## 4 Bikes 269. ## 5 Large_Trucks 687.